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Our Team

Africa Bridge’s US office is located in Oregon. Our Tanzania field office is located in Tukuyu, a small village in the Rungwe District. Meet our dedicated staff and board members below:

Tanzania Staff

Ponsiano Edward

Co-op Coordinator

Kelvin Ngonyani

Most Vulnerable Children Coordinator

Empowerment Facilitators

Femida Kapala


Daniel Joel


Julitha Mupwa


Tuombe lukunga


U.S. Staff

Sharon Brabenac

Executive Director

Barry Childs

Founder, Board Chair

Board of Directors

  • Barry Childs, Board Chair/ Founder of Africa Bridge, Retired, Abbott Laboratories
  • James Lindsay, Vice Chair / Sustainable Investment Professional
  • Don Schmidt, Treasurer / Retired Partner, Hoffman, Stewart & Schmidt CPAs
  • Frank Brennick Jr., Lawyer / Strategy Consultant, Deloitte Consulting
  • Baraka Mtunga /Techpreneur software engineering, UhuruOne 
  • Mathayo Mwakagamba / Architect, Mwaka Arch Consult
  • Ben Pettigrew, Board member Emeritus, Past Board Chair, Co-Founder & COO/CFO SaludNow
  • Ashish Shah, Consultant Shah Patel & Company / Suntrek Investments Limited

Africa Bridge Tanzania Board

  • Mathayo Mwakagamba, Board Chair | Architect, Mwaka Arch Consult
  • Alfred Mwakasangula | Retired Ward Councilor for Kisondela Ward, Region Government, Agriculture, Farming 
  • Gerald Mgaya | Entrepreneur, Agriculture Business 
  • Baraka Mtunga | Techpreneur software engineering, UhuruOne 
  • Kenneth Lema | Medical Doctor Government and Private, TZ
  • Lwitiko Mwalukumba | Medical Doctor in TZ; Masoko Village MVC
  • Max Clary | Founder Organic Route NGO in Uganda
  • Kelvin Mosha | TZ Lawyer
  • Angel Mwakasangula | Student in Tanzania